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Two (02) Types of Solar Cells (Mono PERC & Multi) against PR No 12302328 [BHEL NIT No.57965] by BHEL

Posted on: March 25, 2021 | Back | Print

BHEL invites offers from reputed Vendors {Refer Pre?qualifying (PQR) requirements and other requirements given in tender enquiry letter uploaded on BHEL websites) for supply including packing & transportation to as per incoterms, satisfactory completion of supply of " Mono Perc Cell 157mm 5.38Wp & Multi Cell 157mm 4.67Wp as per Tender Ref: SOLAR CELLS 12302328MUMPC”.

The due date for the same is 14.00Hrs IST of 01.04.2021. Please submit your most competitive offer for the same. 

Your offer shall be submitted in two parts.

Your best quotation / offer for the above requirement, in line with our terms and conditions, should either be delivered in person or sent by COURIER/REGISTERED POST, to the following address only:

BHEL­ EPD Tender box (Reception of SBD)



Prof CNR Rao Circle, IISc Post, Malleswaram, Bangalore? 560 012

Ph. No. +91?080-22182219, 080?22182261, +91?080?22182286.

The bidder is required to clearly mention

1.Tender Ref., RFQ/Tender Due Date & Name of the item in BOLD LETTERS on the top of each envelope submitted.

2. Name and contact details (including mobile no. and email address) of minimum one contact person along with date of submission of offer in a cover letter.

Offer can also be submitted through email to email ids specified below only:-

PART-A (I) BID i.e. TECHNICAL BID on technicalbid-epd@bhel.in

PART-B (II) BID i.e. PRICE BID on pricebid-epd@bhel.in


1.Tender reference & due date to be mentioned in subject of mail.

2. Bidders may adopt this mode at their own risk. The Purchaser does not own any responsibility /liability for delays in receipt / loss of secrecy of such offers.


It shall be the responsibility of the bidder to ensure that the tender is delivered on or before the due date by 02:00 P.M. The offer has to be deposited in tender box only. Part?I bids shall be opened at 02:30 P.M. on the due date in the presence of authorized representatives of the bidders, who may like to be present.
