About Us Events/Photo Gallery

As India celebrates both in India and abroad, it’s 75 years of independence, the NewIndia is in the making. A NewIndia which is distinguished for its Democracy, Demography, Diversity & Development; a NewIndia which symbolizes speed, scale, sensitivity & self-reliance; and a NewIndia which is transforming it’s Technology, Trade, Talent & Tourism. It is this NewIndia which invites our friends in Croatia and Europe to visit the land of wisdom, mystery, history, heritage, adventure, rejuvenation & spirituality to observe the change & continuity, to see the tradition & modernity, and to experience the sublime & bliss. You decide the time, theme & terrain and we have a team to help you decide where your next journey to India could be in 2022. Do visit us at Place2Go Zagreb International Tourism Fair at Indian Pavilion next to the center stage, where India is the Partner Country for the first time

Posted on: March 31, 2022 | Back | Print

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