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Formal inauguration ceremony of the 1st International Ayurveda & Yoga Conference was held in Zagreb on 4th October 2021.

Posted on: October 04, 2021 | Back | Print

Formal inauguration ceremony of the 1st International Ayurveda & Yoga Conference was held in Zagreb on 4th October 2021. After the successful events of Day-0 of the Conference on 3rd October, the Conference was formally inaugurated by:- ➡️ Ambassador Raj Kumar Srivastava - “This Conference has been organized with themes which are important in our current times as well as keeping in mind the location, i.e. Croatia. While we thought globally in designing this conference, we also acted locally by including the themes such as sports fitness through Yoga and medicinal values of natural plants in this Conference. This Conference is not a point event, it is a process which will open up new opportunities of cooperation between Indian and Croatian institutions for better health and wellness of people as well as enhancing people-to-people contacts between India and Croatia.” ➡️ Mr. P.K. Pathak, Special Secretary, Ministry of AYUSH - “The WHO Global Centre for Traditional Medicine is being established in India. The centre would ensure that the ancient wisdom is scientifically brought to the benefit of whole world in line with India’s philosophy “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”, the whole world is one family. ➡️ Mr. Josip Pavić, Advisor for Sport, Ministy of Tourism and Sports of Croatia – “Happy to see that sports is one of the key themes of this Conference. I hope that one day Yoga becomes the part of Olympics. Also hope that this Conference opens up a process of India-Croatia cooperation in this important area of traditional medicine for the benefit of people of Croatia.” ➡️ H.E. Mr. Veljko Kajtazi, Member of the Croatian Parliament - “Hope that this Conference will strengthen India-Croatia relationship, specially people-to-people dimension of it.” ➡️ H.E. Dr. Dragan Primorac, Member of the Scientific Council of the Government of Croatia & Professor Emeritus at National Forensic Sciences University in India - “I always believe that when internally things change for better, the surrounding also improve towards betterment and that is why Yoga can be a very important practice to follow to improve all round wellness and happiness. The philosophy of Yoga needs to be emphasized which focuses on body, mind and environment. The Western medicine is also trying to find this balance beyond just curing process.” ➡️ Dr. Manoj Nesari, Adviser (Ayurveda), Ministry of AYUSH - “Our ancient wisdom is full of knowledge, extremely useful for human life. While body, mind and soul have been discussed a lot, the importance of nutrition, sleep and activity are also highlighted clearly for ensuring a healthy and happy life. The next Ayurveda Day globally would be celebrated on 2nd November 2021 and I hope that the theme of Ayurveda with healthy nutrion will be stressed during that celebration which is coming up within a month’s time.” ➡️ Mr. Svibor Jančić, member of the Assembly of the City of Zagreb - “Very happy to see that the citizens of Zagreb are benefiting through continuous activities supported by AYUSH in the front of Yoga and Ayurveda which is important for general health and wellness of the people.”

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